2013: "After the Storm"

2013 has been a year to remember. There have been highs and lows more intense and tangible than previous years.

This past year began with sadness. On January 27, my grandmother passed away after her battle with cancer. That same weekend, my sister’s boyfriend’s brother was discovered deceased. I had flown back to Vancouver fully expecting to attend one funeral that would be more of a celebration of life, but not a second one of someone taken far before their time. Being the oldest sibling, I felt torn between putting on a strong face for my sisters and my own grief. I also found myself confronting memories from a time in my past that I thought I had left well behind.

During my time spent in Vancouver, I had a simple playlist on my phone that I listened to the night my grandmother passed away and kept on repeat each night in the week afterward. One song that comforted me the most was Mumford and Sons’ “After the Storm”. The chorus felt like it sang out to me:

“And there will come a time, you’ll see, with no more tears / And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your tears / Get over your hill and see what you find there / With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair”

Each time I would listen to the song, I would tear up at the promise that feeling pain from losing a loved one also meant that the very same love would bring me joy.

Little did I know, I flew back to Calgary from Vancouver carrying a very special someone who would fulfill that promise.

I couldn't believe the first test and had to do a second one!

On February 19, DH and I discovered that we were expecting. We were both nervous and excited at the same time. As the months went on, the nervousness melted away and the excitement of meeting the little person who enjoyed kicking around inside my belly took over. During those months, we moved out of DH’s cousin’s house and into our own rental apartment. Decorating the nursery and preparing for our baby’s upcoming birth became my #1 priority between work shifts.

In August, I began maternity leave and we drove the long drive back to Vancouver for my baby shower. The drive felt especially long because our car does not have functioning air conditioning and I was 30 weeks pregnant with what we would later find out to be a huge baby. It was wonderful to see family again, and the shower was absolutely delightful. I truly enjoyed sharing our excitement with family and friends.

Upon our return, my main job at that point was to prepare for the arrival of our baby and rest as much as possible. Things were going great.

Then, at 37 weeks, we had a scare. At my midwife appointment that week, my blood pressure was quite high. I was sent for bloodwork and we had to monitor my blood pressure to watch out for pre-eclampsia. We were told to be prepared for interventions if I began to have more symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Thankfully, my bloodwork came back normal and we were able to get my blood pressure back into a normal range without any medical interventions. After a week or so, the scare became a distant memory.

And we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, five days overdue, our bundle of joy arrived. Edgar was born on November 5, 2013, the same day as my MIL’s birthday. And there it was; that love.

Edgar Stanley Michael Lee

“And there will come a time, you’ll see, with no more tears / And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your tears / Get over your hill and see what you find there / With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair”

Now after a busy six weeks, we are looking forward to celebrating the holidays in Calgary for the first time and a visit back home in the New Year. I can hardly wait to see what this next year has to offer; this past one will be a tough act to follow.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!

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