Home for the Holidays

Happy New Year, everyone! Before I get started, I'd like to apologize for not posting over the holidays; it's been exceedingly hectic. DH and I flew back home to Vancouver for Christmas with our families and friends. I'd like to share our trip with you!

First of all, I want to clarify that I like the convenience of flying. I do not, however, enjoy take-off. Thankfully, DH has sturdy hands. I managed to not break them this time around. I'm sure he found my wimpering everytime there was minor turbulence to be quite amusing.

We spent the first three nights (Dec. 20, 21, and 22) staying at Shae's house (DH's best friend's sister). She has an adorable daughter, and we had a great couple of somewhat quiet days with them. It was nice to have some calm before the next few crazy days.
Waving to the camera!
The next three nights (Dec. 23, 24, and 25)  were spent at DH's grandfather's house (Kung Kung). From there, we visited with our families. We had presents to give out to DH's neice and nephew, as well as my sisters and their boyfriends, Shae's little girl, and my best friend's little boy.
It looks like so many like this...
On the 23rd, we had a triple-date (all three of us sisters and their significant others). We went ice skating and then out for sushi afterwards. Getting together with all six of us without the parents around was a nice change, and we had fun!

Ice skating!

We gave my middle sister's boyfriend a mini zen garden... which was a hit, seeing as he is a landscaper. My sister sent me this picture later on. Apparently, their cat likes it too!
She also rubs her face in the sand...
We were able to spend Christmas Eve morning with one of our original Japanese class friends, Antonio, before heading off to see DH's father's side of the family for dinner. It was nice to see everyone that we had been unable to say goodbye to before we began this adventure out in Calgary. Some of them were not even aware that we had left until well after we had arrived in Calgary.

We also gave DH's niece and nephew their presents that night. For his nephew, we bought The Chronicles of Narnia book series in a box set. It's one of my most favorite series of books, and I had to patiently wait a few years to buy it for him, as he was not old enough for them until this year.

For his niece, I had a doll specially made to look similar to her by Laura Hunter of rovingovine. The doll arrived at my parents' house just on Christmas Eve morning, and I absolutely adored how cute it was! DH's niece took a while to warm up to it, so it wasn't a total home-run, but I definitely will be ordering more from Laura once DH and I start our own family. She was a delight to deal with, and the doll itself is absolutely perfect!

So cute!

From there, we dashed over to my parents' house for snackies and time spent with my dad's side of the family as well as my Grandma on my mom's side. We opened some gifts there that night, and we were back first thing in the morning for breakfast and gifts with just my immediate family and the guys (middle sister's boyfriend and DH).
Got to see my parents' doggie as well!
From there, we went to visit DH's Grandmother (Poh Poh) in the care facility in which she is staying, along with the parent in-laws. It was quite a nice visit. It began to snow while we were there, and we were able to chat and stay for a while before dashing off to dinner with DH's mother's side of the family.

The next day, we went to see Les Miserables with my immediate family and all the guys (DH, middle sister's boyfriend, and little sister's boyfriend). I absolutely loved it! If you love the musical, I'd highly recommend seeing it.

After the movie, we drove over to DH's sister's house, where we visited with DH's parents, his sister and brother-in-law, and niece and nephew. Mom-in-law brought over dinner, and we ate together. We drove from there to the Abbotsford airport, from which we flew back to Calgary.

All in all, though it was a hectic holiday, I am so thankful that we took the time to visit with our families this Christmas. One thing DH and I realized over this trip is that the decision we made to move to Calgary was the correct one. We thought we would miss Vancouver, but when we arrived in Vancouver, we realized that the only thing we missed about Vancouver was our families and friends. We can always visit. We'll probably drive down in the Summer. I suppose Calgary is just right for us.

So now, I go back to baking bread for dinner with DH's friends tonight. It's been rising as I've been typing this post out, so back to baking I go! Happy New Year and best wishes to everyone!

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